Reach vs. Frequency
An important element of any campaign is to ensure that it is effective.
Frequency is a key component.
- Ad exposure within a purchase cycle matters.1
- 3x is ideal.
- Three exposures at minimum within a purchase cycle over a 4 to 8-week period will deliver the greatest effectiveness.
- There is data that supports that two exposures are sufficient while one exposure may be effective in only the rarest of cases.
- Three or more exposures will continue to build effectiveness but at a slower pace (and will not diminish impact).
- 3+ frequency influences online and in-store behavior.2
- Based upon a Nielsen study, consumers exposed and recalled 3+ radio ads (vs. those who did not recall):
- 21% increase in store visits
- 75% increase in website visits
- 159% increase in click-throughs
- 41% increase in additional product information
- 100% increase in product in-store purchase
- 300% increase in retailer product web purchase
- How to determine the right frequency level.3
- Use 2+ frequency:
- Maintain awareness and attitude for a known campaign with unique and newsworthy messaging.
- Competitive advertising should be at a minimum.
- Highly recognized brand with low brand loyalty for competitive products/services.
- Use 4+ frequency:
- To create/increase awareness and strengthen current brand/product attitudes.
- Ideal for a new campaign and/or a simple message.
- Competitive advertising should be moderate.
- Use 6+ frequency:
- To create attitudes and for complex messages used in a competitive market and/or a low interest category/product.
Sources: (1) RAB analysis of Mike Naples "Effective Frequency" (2) Nielsen, 2016 - total 898 (3) FCB Research)
Frequency Wearout - Download Slides
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