RAB Insights

RAB Research Archive

More Great Advice

Continuing with our theme of The Best Advice You’ve Ever Received, today’s submission is from Scott Kortemeyer, Marketing Consultant, Midwest Communications - Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Scott writes: Aside from some advice about women that my father gave me before going to college, the best advice I've received came just recently from my boss.

I was telling him about a client that was interested in one of our packages. He said "Remember, if you show somebody a package, show ‘em your best deal. But unless you show them the value, they have no idea what they've got. They see a dollar sign – that's it. You must get out and show them the value, tell them how well this works, how it's working for another business, what it will do for them. That's how you sell that package!"

Thanks for sharing, Scott. Reminds us of one of the rules of advertising taught in our Radio Marketing Professional (RMP) course. In fact, we call it rule number one of advertising: People do not buy products and services. Because it’s shocking, it’s worth repeating: People do not buy products and services. This rule applies to consumers’ buying habits, but it also applies to suspects and prospects you’re calling.

If people don’t buy products and services, that raises a couple of key questions. First, what do they buy? Second, why does most advertising advertise products and services?

People don’t buy products and services; they buy what the product and service DOES for them. Using the advice from Scott’s boss, you would share with your clients what your package, strategy, etc., does for them. Not the rates, details and product information.

This is a key component of writing commercials and selling advertising. People don’t buy products and services; they buy what the product does for them. Look at the last three commercials you’ve written. Are you focused on the product or service or what it does for the customer?

What will your next three commercials focus on?

Source: Jeff Schmidt, RAB