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How to Hit the Goals You Set

Yesterday, we shared the S.M.A.R.T. process of setting goals. Setting the goal is only half of the equation. Now, hitting the goal becomes the focus. As we shared yesterday, Edwin Locke from the University of Maryland and Gary Latham from the University of Toronto spent years researching goals and goal setting. They created the "Goal Setting Theory."

The second part of the goal-setting process is accountability and tracking. Locke and Latham call these the "key moderators" in achieving goals. They are:

Feedback - people need to track their progress

Commitment to the goal - a personal desire to make it happen

Significance - identifying the goal as important

Sales truth: Activities lead to results. Whether the results are positive or negative will be determined based on the quality and quantity of the activities.

Annual goals should be broken down by quarter, quarterly goals broken down by month, monthly goals broken down by week and weekly goals broken down by day. The more frequently you evaluate, the easier it is to make the needed corrections. Your goals should consist of both the financial components as well as the activities required to make those numbers a reality. Solidifying the emotional relevance of the goal, identifying "what's in it for you?" if you achieve the goal. What’s the reward? For some, the achievement of the goal is the reward. But for many, there needs to be a clear reward, or something to shoot for.

As we shared yesterday, my first manager started with the end in mind. What was the reward if the goal was achieved? I exceeded the goal Bill and I calculated and bought the Mercedes. In my defense, I was young and material goals were "important" to me at the time. No matter what your motivation, having it in front of you every day will help you stay focused in a distraction-filled world.

It’s not a case of IF distractions will come up, it's WHEN. Always ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing right now getting me closer to my goal?" If not, stop doing it.

With careful analysis, planning and constant feedback, you can achieve your goals. As we've discussed before, being accountable is far better than being held accountable. So be accountable to yourself for the achievement of your goals.

Achievement is the most powerful motivator of all.

Jeff Schmidt is the SVP of Professional Development. You can reach him at Jeff.Schmidt@RAB.com. You can also connect with him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Source: Jeff Schmidt, RAB