RAB Insights

RAB Research Archive

Survey says...

We try to lighten things up a bit on Fridays as we head into the weekend. With today's tip, we're not sure whether to laugh or to cry. According to the 2022 version of an annual study conducted by IPSOS, advertising is NO LONGER the least trusted profession for the second year in a row! Cue the band and break out the champagne!

The 2022 edition of the worldwide most-trusted professions study ranks advertising executives third from the bottom, just ahead of politicians and cabinet officials, but hey, that's progress! Here is the chart for the most trusted to least trusted in order:

Despite having some fun with these survey results, even at our own expense, there is no denying the importance of trust in the work we do consulting our advertising partners. According to research from our friends at Borrell Associates, these are the top five things, in order of importance, that influence radio buyers trust in their rep:

Ability to describe audience/capabilities of media product

Overall knowledge of marketing and advertising

Knowledge of the client's business or industry

Connection to the local market

Personal manner (personality, eye contact, handshake)

The great news is that you are in complete control of each of those five elements. As you head into the weekend, find comfort in the fact that we are no longer the least trusted profession, and commit yourself to focusing on the five things advertisers look at when determining your trustworthiness.

Happy Friday!

Jeff Schmidt is the SVP of Professional Development. You can reach him at Jeff.Schmidt@RAB.com. You can also connect with him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Source: Jeff Schmidt, SVP of Professional Development, RAB