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Turning failure into success

When you fail and it starts to look like success to your peers, you know that you are a high-performance seller.

Look. Let's get really frank, real fast. Life isn't a competition with anyone other than the rock star that you were intended to be. If you think that I am advocating that you look around and compare yourself to anyone else, you are dead wrong.

You know better than that already. That's a complete waste of time. Here is what I'm trying to say: High performers look at failure as a step closer to success. It's not an act, it's a way of life. Rejection and loss are not end points. They are guideposts.

High-performance selling requires the discipline to look at each opportunity and say, "What could I have done differently?" Here’s the reality — sometimes there is nothing you could have done better. But I have always found three to four (to a dozen) tiny mistakes that all contributed to my failure.

It was by adjusting and relaunching that I was able to turn that failure into outrageous success.

Master your failures.

Source: Dan Waldschmidt, sales strategist