NOW is the time for brands to rethink their media mix to move more investment to America's #1 reach, high-return medium
"This is a pivotal moment for us as an industry," said Mike Hulvey, RAB president/chief executive officer, during Wednesday's live presentation explaining Nielsen's shift from a 5-minute to a 3-minute listening qualifier for radio. "Nielsen predicts that this shift will increase radio impressions by over 20% on average. This change impacts the benefit of the radio industry regardless of whether you're in a diary market, an unrated market, a market measured by another provider or a PPM market." Townsquare Media chief operating officer and RAB board chair Erik Hellum noted that "we have to tell the same story together with one voice. Think of it like a radio campaign. If you have a clear and powerful message, that's delivered to a target audience with reach and frequency, you get results."
Source: RAB
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