Radio Sales Today

RAB Sales Tips

5 steps to help your advertisers track metrics

I recently ran across an ebook from act-on. They have several, but in this one they say there are 5 steps you can use to help clients track their metrics. I particularly like point 4. With as much data that is available, it’s always good to focus on only the most important.

1. Analyze your customer’s buying process by customer segment, stage by stage.
2. Identify your marketing objectives at each stage.
3. Break your marketing program into its component parts, asking questions about what determines success for each component.
4. Select the most powerful metrics that indicate success in moving the customer to the next stage.
5. Track the data at regular intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

There's good explanations of each of the 5 points in the ebook. It's worth your time and it is available for free with registration here.

Source: John Potter, RAB