Radio Sales Today

RAB Sales Tips

When was the last time you talked to your client?

Our pacing wasn't where it should have been. We needed something to give us a healthy boost. Rather than roll out the latest and greatest package, we decided on a different approach: Each seller would call 10 clients per week just to "thank" them for their business. No sales pitch, no package, just a simple thank you.

In this fast-paced world with instant gratification, texting, snapchatting and emailing, it's easy to forget the simplicity of connections. Sometimes I think the more connected we are electronically, the more disconnected we’ve become personally.

Actually picking up the phone and calling your clients, or better yet, visiting them face-to-face, is a great way to demonstrate how much you appreciate them. As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., it's a great opportunity to let your clients know how much you care.

Call them, visit them, TALK to them. If for no other reason than to just say "thank you." You'll be pleasantly surprised at their reaction. In our case, the "thank you calls" worked beautifully. About half of them resulted in the client wanting to see the seller and talk about some new business. One out of five said they were just about to call us, which resulted in immediate billing.

Pick up the phone and thank a client today. You might be surprised at the outcome. At the very least, you'll have made that client's day. I can assure you that your competitors aren't doing this regularly.

Think Big, Make Big Things Happen!

Jeff Schmidt is SVP of Professional Development for the Radio Advertising Bureau. You can reach Jeff at / 972-753-6765. Other ways to connect: Twitter: @JeffreyASchmidt or LinkedIn:

Source: Jeff Schmidt, RAB