Radio Sales Today

RAB Sales Tips

Stop the madness!

Imagine you have never done business with me before, and I approach you with an exotic sports car I have for sale. I tell you the car is 'valued at' $100,000, but I'm only asking $50,000.

What are you thinking?

Probably one or more of the following:

1) Who or what makes the car 'valued at' $100,000.
2) Why are you knocking $50,000 off of the alleged value?
3) Is it stolen? Is it defective?
4) If you are 'asking' $50,000 less than the value, I'm sure you're open to a lower offer.
5) If it sounds too good to be true, it is too good to be true.

We often see radio presentations claiming a value that is so far greater than the 'asking' price, that the offer is not credible.

Here is the thing: When you make a presentation, do you prove and validate the value you claim? And, when you offer your campaign at a price lower than the alleged value, do you justify that discount?

Or do you just leave your prospect thinking:

a) You're desperate.
b) You have misled them and inflated the value.
c) You have no confidence in your rate card or your value and you'll do or say anything just to get an order.

Wayne is the president of ENS Media Inc., producers of the SoundADvice radio e-marketing system and facilitators of TOMA surveys. He can be reached at

Source: Marketing consultant/sales trainer Wayne Ens