How to Handle Objections
Yesterday, we shared that objections are to be cherished, adored and welcomed, because objections are buying signs. They mean your prospect is interested, but we then classified all objections you’ll face into seven categories. Knowing which category, the objection falls under gives you the ability to direct your attention accordingly.
Today – The formula for handling objections with grace, patience and professionalism is simple. Based on my experiences, I created an easy-to-remember, easy-to-use formula. It’s based upon the following four tenets: clarify, restate, answer and move on, or C.R.A.M. Here’s how it works:
C - Clarify: This is my favorite part of dealing with objections. Whenever a client gives you an objection, resist the temptation to either agree or disagree or answer immediately. Instead, ask a clarifying question or questions.
What do you mean by that?
Can you tell me more about that?
My price is too high compared to what?
R - Restate: Once you understand the true objection repeat it back to the client, be careful to do this with sincerity, not with sarcasm.
Jim, you indicated that you worked with Jeff in the past and he was a jerk, so because of that you don’t want to do business with our company. Do I understand you correctly?
Sue, you’re not going to buy this Mercedes because compared to a Kia the price is too high. Is that correct?
What usually happens when you restate the objection is the client feels awkward. Hearing their objection spoken back to them will cause them to either change the objection, give you more information, or recognize on their own that it’s not really a valid objection.
A - Answer: Once you have clarified and restated the objection, you are prepared to answer the objection.
If I could come up with a way to assure you that your next experience with our company –specifically with me – will be a great experience, would you at least consider doing business with us?
Sue, I understand when you compare the cost of a Mercedes to a Kia, the Mercedes is much more expensive. May I show you some key differences between the two vehicles?
M - Move on: Once you have clarified, restated and answered, you can move on to the next objection or start the business relationship by making the sale.
What these simple steps do is help you further understand the thought process your prospects are going through. They allow the prospects to feel heard and respected. Try the C.R.A.M. technique next time you hear an objection. We bet you get more information, better information, and you’ll be one step closer to the sale.
Jeff Schmidt, RAB