Radio Sales Today

RAB Sales Tips

Scared to tell your buyers the most effective form of media?

You might be eager to tell them it's radio, but then again, they'd expect you to say that. In truth, the most effective form of advertising (according to 900+ radio buyers surveyed by Borrell in 2023) was Search Engine Marketing.

Acknowledging that fact might help a sales rep wanting to be seen as a marketing expert instead of just someone pitching radio. Be sure to mention, though, that radio is also held in high regard, with a whopping 81% of buyers giving it strong effectiveness ratings and almost half of them deeming it a very to extremely effective form of advertising.

Do you sell search marketing or help advertisers with SEO? Please take our seven-minute survey on radio's digital operations by clicking THIS LINK. The results will be published in February 2024.

The first 200 survey participants will get a customized 2024 advertising forecast for their market, plus a chance to win an Amazon Echo Show or a ticket to #BorrellMiami2024.

Source: Gordon Borrell, Borrell Associates