Radio Sales Today

RAB Sales Tips

No pain, no gain!

My son-in-law is a bodybuilder. His discipline for his health is inspiring. He and other bodybuilders live by the credo, "No pain, no gain." To build muscle, you have to break it down first.

At a recent Leadership Masterclass, a manager approached me for a quick chat. He had a young staff member who had raised her hand, indicating that she wanted greater responsibility and growth opportunities within the company. As luck would have it, he had such an opportunity that he thought was close enough to her skillset that she would benefit from the experience. He shared it with her, and she said, "I'm not comfortable doing that."

We could write many tips based on that exchange, but here's the point for today. Being uncomfortable is precisely where you need to be to grow. Our business is changing so rapidly that there will always be a bit of discomfort, and that's not bad. In fact, like my body-building son, without pain (discomfort), there will be no gain.

If you desire to grow this year, being uncomfortable is exactly where the most growth and learning occurs, and here are three reasons why: Enhanced Learning and Adaptability: Psychological studies suggest that being in a state of "optimal anxiety" — slightly outside your comfort zone — improves focus, performance and cognitive flexibility. It encourages learning by exposing individuals to new experiences, enhancing problem-solving skills and adaptability in dynamic environments.

Increased Resilience and Confidence: Facing unfamiliar challenges helps build mental resilience and emotional strength. Research indicates that regularly stepping outside one's comfort zone fosters a growth mindset, enabling individuals to handle stress and uncertainty more effectively while boosting self-confidence.

Expanded Opportunities and Creativity: Pushing beyond comfort leads to exposure to new perspectives and opportunities that wouldn't be encountered otherwise. Studies have shown that individuals who embrace discomfort are more likely to develop innovative thinking, build new relationships and discover untapped potential in their personal and professional lives.

I get it; being uncomfortable is no fun. What's worse in my mind, however, is the word obsolete. If we aren't willing to be awkward, we will not grow. If we don't grow, our skills become obsolete within months.

Are you with me on some pain and growth in 2025?

Think Big, and Make Big Things Happen!

Jeff Schmidt is the SVP of Professional Development. You can reach him at You can all so connect with him on X and LinkedIn.

Source: Jeff Schmidt, SVP of Professional Development