Radio Sales Today

RAB Sales Tips

What’s hot (video) and what’s not (banner ads)

Online video has been the fastest growing usage of the Internet for several years. It goes beyond watching YouTube videos, Netflix movies and TV station-archived news reports. Online video includes video ads – embedded in streams, video banners, and popups.

Draw attention to your advertisers’ digital campaigns by including video. If clients don’t have video, you or someone on your staff can produce a video ad doing something as simple as using images from clients’ websites and putting them into a video editing program. Video editing software doesn’t have to be expensive. Windows Movie Maker is a free add-on with Windows. If you want more capability, several other programs are less than $100 (Sony Movie Studio or Adobe Premiere Elements).

Traditional banner ads are suffering from over-use, poor placement and banner-blindness, causing effectiveness to decline which causes pricing to decline. According to the RAB Radio Benchmarking Study conducted by Borrell Associates earlier this year, radio station reliance on banner ads has decreased from the previous year. This is good that stations are moving toward additional digital ad products … and video is the hot one.

John Potter, SVP/Professional Development, RAB