Radio Sales Today

RAB Sales Tips

Word of mouth is the best advertising, and radio is the best word of mouth

John Roberts, Director of Sales for East Kentucky Broadcasting, shared an idea for an e-mail signature during one of RAB’s recent training programs. He includes the following at the end of his e-mails: “The Word of Mouth Experts.”

When an advertiser tells him they don’t advertise, but rely only on word of mouth, John says that’s great because he’s the word of mouth expert. He tells them he creates positive, controlled “word of mouth” marketing for businesses. After all, isn’t radio the ultimate in word of mouth?

John says he often reminds such advertisers that if consumers have a good experience they tell 10 people. If they have a bad experience they tell 100. John asks advertisers: “Why take a chance with the word of mouth from consumers, when you can control the word of mouth conversation on radio?”

John Potter, SVP/Professional Development, RAB