Radio Sales Today

RAB Sales Tips

Just do something

Everyone knows the "apple a day" principle, but very few follow the advice. If you do just a little each day, at the end of a year it adds up to a lot. But if you do nothing each day, then at the end of the year it adds up to absolutely nothing. You don't become successful in a day. You become successful day-by-day. Take some small note cards and write some specific and challenging daily tasks that will enhance your success (e.g., make five more phone calls, clean off your desk at the end of the day, send a handwritten note to an existing client, read something that feeds your mind, exercise for 30 minutes, etc.). Every morning, shuffle through this stack of cards and pick one that you're committed to doing that day before going to bed. Once you've finished that task, start a second pile of cards with your completed tasks and watch it grow. Nothing breeds future success like past success! The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing because you can only do a little. Do what you can each and every day to move toward your goals and watch what happens to your success!

Source: Sales speaker/consultant Tim Wackel