Radio Sales Today

RAB Sales Tips

Don’t throw water on this idea

Technology is changing the very foundation of advertising and marketing. A good example was at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas earlier this year.

It was a start-up developed by an entrepreneur who realized there was no remote monitoring system for aquariums. There are remote baby monitors, security systems, HVAC, and others, but nothing to monitor the temperature, chemical balance and other information important to a home aquarium. But making and selling fish tank monitors is only half the story.

The other half is all about retail sales of fish, chemicals, and other supplies. Think about this: The remote monitor alerts the user that the PH balance is off in the tank and offers a couple suggestions... chemicals or an additional species of fish that will bring the water condition into balance, which is important in the care of tropical fish. And of course, the app offers a "buy now" button. Think of the implications to a retail pet store and their traditional advertising and marketing.

Retailers are looking for ideas to market in new ways. Conduct more in-depth CNAs than ever and develop custom marketing ideas for clients to earn bigger sales.

Source: John Potter, RAB