Total TV/Video Advertising Advantages
- Is deliverable 24/7
- Combines all the elements of sound, sight and motion to deliver a powerful impact on the senses
- Is intrusive, comes directly to the viewer for immediate impact
- Can be placed in a programming environment that complements the brand or retailer's business or message
- Allows for repetition of messaging with a defined timespan
- Exclusivity of product category is usually available at a price
- May reach consumers who tend not to access any other form of media
- Has largely moved away from seasonal viewing shifts as networks rose to challenges presented by independent stations and cable over the years, creating more program options and rolling out first-run programming even during summer months. Nielsen trends now indicate that peaks in winter months and valleys in summertime have leveled off to relatively flat year-round ratings.
- Growing use of alternate video devices (computer, tablet, streaming services) creates an opportunity
- VOD (Video on Demand) opens growth area for consumer usage and awareness