RAB Insights

RAB Research Archive

Radio sales professionals: Advertising decision-makers want to hear unique ideas

Seven times out of eight, advertising decision-makers predict they’ll find budget when presented with unique ideas that solve their challenge or meet their goals. This is another finding of a nationwide survey of advertising decision-makers.

In fact, those who use any radio in their media plans are even less likely to “pass” on a unique idea that solves their challenge or meets their goals. It’s a powerful statistic that should arm sellers with the potential value of doing everything they can to solve a client’s challenge. Not every idea will be a winner, but the odds are heavily in favor of the media seller who goes the extra mile and uses all of the available resources to creatively respond to a prospect’s challenge.

We conducted 423 interviews nationwide among advertising decision-makers, including marketing executives, media buyers and planners, ad executives, creative directors and business owners. The chart then predicted reactions to unique ideas that solve their challenges or meet goals among those who transact direct business ("Direct") and those within the agency community ("Agency").

While the bulk of our research work at NuVoodoo Media Services is in pursuit of helping client stations generate bigger ratings, we’re no strangers to interviewing advertising decision-makers. Over the years we’ve conducted a variety of studies helping media outlets investigate their sales efforts. In this column we’re sharing some of the insights gained in our latest national study of advertising decision-makers, conducted in cooperation with the RAB.

Source: Leigh Jacobs, NuVoodoo Media Services